A 'super app' engine for your project. React Native (iOS, Android) and React.js (Web, desktop). Social Sign In 🄵, Messaging 💬 (chat, voice, push notifications), Web3 Wallet 🪪 (profile QR, documents, coins, NFT), DLT 🔐 (provenance, crypto signing), Gamification 🤩, Social Commerce and more.
Goal: Introduce updated designs for Chats and related screens.
Affected metric:
Description: Create new designs for chats screens, including additional features and screens. Attaching current designs screenshots below.
Chats screen (when a chat room is not chosen)
Chat view (when a chat room is chosen)
Chat - Threads (opens via "Reply" option)
Chat - Own message options
Chat - Own message options - Edit message
Chat - Message options - Reply
Chat - Other user message options
Chat - Audio messages and its' options
Chat QR-code
Leave chat pop-up