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Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.
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Dapr-sidecar-injector patch the injector to the application pods #7809

Open kiranagalpady83 opened 2 weeks ago

kiranagalpady83 commented 2 weeks ago

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Hello, Do we need following ServiceAccount in kuberenetes cluster to function the Dapr-sidecar-injector patch the injector to the application pods?
ServiceAccount list:

system:kube-controller-manager                                                                                                                                                                                                                       kube-system:replicaset-controller
yaron2 commented 2 weeks ago

Generally yes, but you can tell Dapr which service accounts to use. What is the service account in your cluster that is used for deploying your pods?

kiranagalpady83 commented 2 weeks ago

logs.txt we use the serviceaccount where helm chart deployment file defined server accounts for dapr deployment and for application deployment we use default serviceaccounts. We don't have access to kube-system namespace. Dapr sidecar injector is not patching injector to the application pods. please find the attached logs. logs.txt