Closed elena-kolevska closed 7 months ago
All modified and coverable lines are covered by tests :white_check_mark:
Project coverage is 67.31%. Comparing base (
) to head (b5962f1
). Report is 1 commits behind head on master.:exclamation: Current head b5962f1 differs from pull request most recent head c37f86b. Consider uploading reports for the commit c37f86b to get more accurate results
:umbrella: View full report in Codecov by Sentry.
:loudspeaker: Have feedback on the report? Share it here.
@holopin-bot @elena-kolevska Thanks Elena! 😁
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hi guys, first of all thank you for this PR. I've build this version locally and it solved what I needed. Any idea on when this will be included in the release sir @philliphoff ?
@taufan-mft It should be part of the v1.14 Dapr release. You can follow its progress in its release planning issue here: dapr/dapr#7605
thanks a lot! @philliphoff @elena-kolevska
Adds an option to set a timeout for http and grpc
Issue reference