Closed WhitWaldo closed 7 months ago
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) to head (728bda0
). Report is 3 commits behind head on master.:exclamation: Current head 728bda0 differs from pull request most recent head 76f9811. Consider uploading reports for the commit 76f9811 to get more accurate results
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If a request is made for bulk state for a set of keys for which there isn't matching data, a null value is returned for that key in the result. An issue was raised that indicated that the value isn't marked as nullable, so the author was surprised to find that the value for an unregistered key returned null given that so many other packages are marked with such annotations these days.
As such, I marked the file (not the larger project) with nullable annotations and indicated that the
property is nullable as well. This requires no changes on the Dapr sidecar itself and simply updates the C# package to reflect what's already returned so developers are up to speed on expectations.Issue reference
We strive to have all PR being opened based on an issue, where the problem or feature have been discussed prior to implementation.
Please reference the issue this PR will close: #1255
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