Open mpprasanth opened 2 years ago
@rynowak @sapinderpalsingh, can you please help ?
I encountered a similar problem when trying to deserialize back into a typed object again. After debugging i found that the body of a rawPayload
is presented to the Controller method with the application/octet-stream
content type. Per default there is no inputformatter for converting this back into a complex type such as Root
I resolved this issue by adding a custom InputFormatter
to the options MvcOptions Action inside AddControllers()
Resulting for me in something like this:
builder.Services.AddControllers(options => { options.InputFormatters.Add(new CustomFormatter()); }).AddDapr();
This formatter then uses the UTF8 encoding to parse the byte[]
to a json string. As a final step it tries to Deserialize
the json string into a typed object and return it.
I ran into the same issue when using Dapr in ASP.NET Core to listen to raw payloads (so no cloud-events). Just like @TimSalomons , I've solved this by writing a custom formatter.
The custom formatter looks like this:
public class DaprRawPayloadInputFormatter : InputFormatter
public DaprRawPayloadInputFormatter()
public override async Task<InputFormatterResult> ReadRequestBodyAsync(InputFormatterContext context)
using (MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream())
await context.HttpContext.Request.Body.CopyToAsync(str);
var jsonString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(str.ToArray());
var deserializedModel = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(jsonString, context.ModelType);
return InputFormatterResult.Success(deserializedModel);
return InputFormatterResult.Failure();
It is used like this:
builder.Services.AddControllers(options => options.InputFormatters.Add(new DaprRawPayloadInputFormatter()))
This can also be fixed by removing app.UseCloudEvents();
This can also be fixed by removing
This is our experience too. That begs the question: why? The middleware should do nothing when the content type is not application/cloudevents+json
This can also be fixed by removing
This is our experience too. That begs the question: why? The middleware should do nothing when the content type is not
Looking through the SDK it doesn't look like it ignores content types that are not application/cloudevents+json
So if that middleware is active it will expect cloud events.
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Hello, I am getting below error While subscribing to raw message from a web api microservice (Microservice1) hosted in docker container (Refer the attached diagram) The error message logged in Docker desktop (Microservice1 sidecar docker container log). “time="2022-12-02T06:13:56.234572354Z" level=warning msg="retriable error returned from app while processing pub/sub event 3cbeee4d-03dd-47f7-91fe-42fd9fb7df5d, topic: rawDataTestTopic, body: {\"type\":\"\",\"title\":\"Unsupported Media Type\",\"status\":415,\"traceId\":\"00-b3cff34b70d01da2c7c58f4da4f1d35b-77f9e3a244d74e32-00\"}. status code returned: 415" app_id=DBAgent instance=12a64ef3bd7d scope=dapr.runtime type=log ver=1.8.4
Publishing to Kafka pub/sub is done using a curl command: curl -X "POST" http://localhost:3500/v1.0/publish/pubsub/rawDataTestTopic?metadata.rawPayload=true -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"ordernumber": "1234"}'
Program.cs code: app.MapSubscribeHandler(new Dapr.SubscribeOptions() { EnableRawPayload = true });
Microservice1 subscribe to Kafka topic using below code: [Topic(DAPR_PUBSUB_NAME, "rawDataTestTopic",true)] [HttpPost()] public async Task OnIFMoEvent([FromBody] Root data)
string s = data.ToString();
return Ok();
public class Root { public string ordernumber { get; set; } }
Please Note:- Both Microservice1 & its side car are running without any error. If I remove EnableRawPayload configuration => app.MapSubscribeHandler(), [Topic(DAPR_PUBSUB_NAME, "rawDataTestTopic")] & Curl command .. metadata.rawPayload=false It is Woking fine
I could see an issue related to this at looks like raw data is supported now
Can someone help ? did I miss any configuration ?