daq-tools / kotori

A flexible data historian based on InfluxDB, Grafana, MQTT, and more. Free, open, simple.
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Panels are not updated on instant dashboards after update to Grafana 9.3.1 and Kotori 0.27.0 #107

Closed amotl closed 1 year ago

amotl commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

@elektra42 of @ISEMS fame reported at ^1 that, when new charger devices are added, no corresponding panels are created in Grafana.

It looks like Kotori is not able to find the dashboard in Grafana, while it definitively exists.

Get folder with uid="instagraf"
Getting dashboard "isems-testdrive"
Grafana dashboard not found: Client Error 404: {"message":"Dashboard not found","traceID":""}

With kind regards, Andreas.

/cc @elektra42, @wetterfrosch, @msweef, @tonkenfo

amotl commented 1 year ago


We can confirm the situation: Existing dashboards would not be updated with newly created panels, where the instant dashboards have been created with previous versions of Grafana.


Just remove or rename your instant dashboards [^1], and restart Kotori. You can identify them by searching your dashboards for all items with the instant tag ^instant-tag, or by navigating to your instant-dashboards folder ^instant-folder.


On the ISEMS installation, after just deleting or renaming [^2] the instant dashboard isems-testdrive, and restarting Kotori, a new dashboard will be created, and, most importantly, it can also be updated appropriately, when data is received on new channels subsequently.

[^1]: It's a perfect chance to get rid of outdated panels anyway, right? ;] [^2]: You do not customize them anyway, do you? Actually, you shouldn't: The instant dashboards should only be used as a blueprint, and not be edited or further customized. Please do that on behalf of separate dashboards.