daqcri / daqcri.github.io

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Adding README #1

Open hammady opened 7 years ago

hammady commented 7 years ago

Please add README for instructions on how to edit various sections. You can also refer to other jekyll tutorials as part of your instructions.

hahassancmu commented 7 years ago

How was this website built?

This website was built using Jekyll, which is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. Think of it like a file-based CMS, without all the complexity. Jekyll takes your content, renders Markdown and Liquid templates, and spits out a complete, static website ready to be served by Apache, Nginx or another web server.

Getting Started

To install jekyll, open terminal and run gem install jekyll bundler

How to Edit

All the posts that you could see in the different pages of the website could be found in the _postsfolder. If you want to add a new post, just go to the _posts folder, and then:

  1. Create a new file with the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.md please note that this naming convention is so important, therefor if your file doesn't follow this format, then jekyll will not be able to read it. Here's an example of new file name: 2017-03-01-test-file.md
  2. Add your content using a simple markdown syntax. A lot of examples and different format styles could be found in the _posts folder.
  3. There are four categories that differentiates posts and directs them to the various sections of the website. Hence, you need to make sure you specify the category that your post belongs to. For example, if you want your post to go under the project section, then typecategories: projects If you want to add a new news in the its corresponding section, then type categories: news and so on.


For more information on jekyll, please visit https://jekyllrb.com/ and https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/README.markdown