daquinterop / Py_DSSATTools

A Python library for crop modeling using DSSAT
GNU General Public License v3.0
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I encounter the following error while creating new fertilizater treatment #37

Closed ICYColonD closed 2 months ago

ICYColonD commented 2 months ago

Hi man Hope you're doing well when I tried to create a new treatment of fertilizer in DSSATTools

Fer_schedule=pd.DataFrame([ (datetime.strptime(str(dd),foramt_string) , 'FE027' ,'AP001',20 ,5 ,-99,-99,-99,-99) ],columns = ['date', 'FMCD','FACD','FAMN','FDEP',"FAMP",'FAMK','FAMC','FAMO']) Fer_schedule['FDATE'] = Fer_schedule.date.dt.strftime('%y%j') Fer_schedule=Fer_schedule[['FDATE','FMCD','FACD','FDEP','FAMN','FAMP','FAMK','FAMC','FAMO']]

man.simulation_controls['FERTI']='R' man.fertilizers['table']=TabularSubsection( Fer_schedule[['FDATE','FMCD','FACD','FDEP','FAMN','FAMP','FAMK','FAMC','FAMO']] ) in above way

after I run the dssat with above management file(which run without a problem when there is no fertilization changes) I encounter the management.write(filename=management_filename) then outstr += section_obj.write() + '\n' then outstr += rowbased_write(

and finally

if (fields[n] in NA_VALS) or (isna(fields[n])): [337] fields[n] = '-99' [338] if 'F' in s: IndexError: list index out of range

which part of my code was lousy?! Pls help me out

PS:Many tnx for such a lovely package

daquinterop commented 2 months ago

Hi. It will really help me if you append your pyhton/notebook. I need more information to reproduce the error and see what's wrong.

ICYColonD commented 2 months ago

Hi As you asked the file contained the error been attached tnx a lot man [error.ipynb.zip

daquinterop commented 2 months ago

Ok, the problem is that you must define all the columns of the fertilizer table. Even if you won't pass a value for a parameter you must include them all in the table. You did not define the "FOCD", "FERNAME" columns, so your fertilizer schedule should be as follow:

    (datetime.strptime(str(dd),foramt_string)              , 'FE027' ,'AP001',20 ,5 ,-99,-99,-99,-99,-99,-99)
    # (datetime.strptime(str(dd),foramt_string)+timedelta(21), 'FE005' ,'AP003',50 ,0 ,0 ,0,0,0)
],columns = ['date', 'FMCD','FACD','FAMN','FDEP',"FAMP",'FAMK','FAMC','FAMO', "FOCD", "FERNAME"])
Fer_schedule['FDATE'] = Fer_schedule.date.dt.strftime('%y%j')
Fer_schedule=Fer_schedule[['FDATE','FMCD','FACD','FDEP','FAMN','FAMP','FAMK','FAMC','FAMO', "FOCD", "FERNAME"]]

    Fer_schedule[['FDATE','FMCD','FACD','FDEP','FAMN','FAMP','FAMK','FAMC','FAMO', "FOCD", "FERNAME"]]

By the way, for the irrigation table the value column must be "IVAL" not "IRVAL" as you defined it. Right now the management definition is kinda tricky and users are prone to make mistakes when defining it. I'm working on upgrades to prevent this from happening. Thanks for reporting the issue.

ICYColonD commented 2 months ago

we will wait enthusiastically for upgrades bro :) for now I'm so grateful for solving my problem