daranguiz / barbell-io

Lift yourself up by your Bootstrap(s)
MIT License
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Create requirements.txt #2

Closed kashev closed 8 years ago

kashev commented 8 years ago

Create a requirements.txt file at the top level of the repository which contains the python dependencies for the project.

@daranguiz run pip freeze > requirements.txt inside of your virtualenv, and commit the file.

daranguiz commented 8 years ago

I've now screwed this up twice now, but, CLOSED.

kashev commented 8 years ago

I realized that a lot of these are probably derived dependencies. It's not super important, but some time, down the road, we should sit down, decide what's strictly necessary, and then only list those.

daranguiz commented 8 years ago

Agreed. I think some of those were leftovers from the microblog tutorial as well.