Hi @dareid,
I am working on chakram framework for API automation. It's a great framework.
I want to retain cookies (or JsessionID) while making multiple calls within APIs.
Here is my piece of code where I am making a post call first and then want to make get call next but I am not able to retain session. Can you please help in identifying what is it that I am doing wrong.
var call = require('chakram');
expect = call.expect;
Hi @dareid, I am working on chakram framework for API automation. It's a great framework. I want to retain cookies (or JsessionID) while making multiple calls within APIs. Here is my piece of code where I am making a post call first and then want to make get call next but I am not able to retain session. Can you please help in identifying what is it that I am doing wrong.
var call = require('chakram'); expect = call.expect; process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = "0";
testConfig = require('../config1.json'); login1 = require('../login1.json'); expected = require('./../response.json'); var request = require('request');
describe("User login", function () { before(function () { var jar = request.jar(); call.setRequestDefaults({jar: true});
}); it('GETUSERAPI', function () { return call.get(testConfig.APP_URL+"/rest/user/view").then(function(response, body){ console.log("****"); console.log(response.response.body);
}); }); });
Thanks, Nidhi