dargmuesli / nuxt-cookie-control

A highly configurable cookie banner for Nuxt.
MIT License
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add support for lists in description #196

Closed jseerig closed 5 months ago

jseerig commented 6 months ago

Describe the feature

I would like to add a list as a cookie description. For example I would like it to display like this:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-14 um 11 33 47

Additional information

Final checks

dargmuesli commented 6 months ago

You can use the slot named cookie to customize how cookie metadata is displayed.

jseerig commented 6 months ago

And how can I only customize the description? I want to keep the headings and toggles like there are.

dargmuesli commented 6 months ago

You can use the same code this module uses and customize only the parts you're interested in: https://github.com/dargmuesli/nuxt-cookie-control/blob/master/src/runtime/components/CookieControl.vue#L80-L149

develth commented 3 weeks ago

i also wanted to use that, but cookieType is not available and we have a duplicate code just to append something in the end. Additional Slot would be really helpful, @dargmuesli

dargmuesli commented 3 weeks ago

Please explain how cookieType is not available, e.g. with a minimal reproduction. You can suggest an additional slot placement by submitting exemplary code.

develth commented 3 weeks ago

Please explain how cookieType is not available, e.g. with a minimal reproduction. You can suggest an additional slot placement by submitting exemplary code.

When using <template #cookie="{ cookie }">, Slot provides only cookie, cookie does not include cookieType. Really needs a minimal reproduction for that?

dargmuesli commented 3 weeks ago

What about importing CookieType as it's done in that file?

develth commented 3 weeks ago

I´m not talking about the CookieType type, it´s about cookieType variable...

dargmuesli commented 3 weeks ago

cookieType is set to CookieType's values.

develth commented 3 weeks ago

🤣 https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-tnvnfn?file=app.vue

dargmuesli commented 3 weeks ago

@develth I do not appreciate the comment you added and deleted and the passive aggressive wording in the new comment / stackblitz. This is free software without charge that people spend their time on voluntarily. It's always possible to raise a PR to add improvements without laughing at others trying to help or to sponsor contributors as a motivation to improve things without implying they're hindering. Future interactions in a similar manner will not be accepted and I'd need a reason to continue this thread.

develth commented 3 weeks ago

For a respectful communication there is also the need to read and understand what others write, and not just go up with information that was excluded by comments before and also ignore information. As a reporter / maybe future contributor there is also a invest of time into get the bug to know, research and provide informations. Ignoring those are as disrespectful for me as you were insulted by my desperate laugh that you were ignoring what i wrote. But i´m glad that you finally invested some time with commenting ;)

dargmuesli commented 3 weeks ago

A certain - maybe larger than expected - amount of information is necessary to understand the limitations that others research. If you feel ignored, please voice that concern instead of commenting in a desperate style.

you finally invested some time

Again, I do not appreciate judgement on the time spent previously. I'll moderate this now.