darickc / MMM-BackgroundSlideshow

MIT License
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Display in MM position, not fullscreen background. #137

Open chrisfutz opened 10 months ago

chrisfutz commented 10 months ago

This module does what is says. It also says it is based on MMM-ImageSlideShow. Maybe in inspiration, but MMM-ImageslideShow cannot display images from a mounted directory on a nas.

My requirement is not to display the image as a full background but as an image inside one of the MM positions (eg. top_center).

If I specify top_center, I get no images displayed. I am still seeing if I can get it to do what I want with the configs, but so far no luck.

I can code but my JavaScript is non-existent. I'm happy to try foll around wth the code to try and see if I can turn this module into the best of both worlds and that it becomes the best photo frame module.

If someone who understands the code and module architecture can point to where in the code I must change things, I'm happy to try. Otherwise I'm asking the devs of this module if they can make the changes to display the image on a MM position.

zheinrich1 commented 1 month ago

I have it displaying in 'bottom_left' right now and its working great. I am not sure what you need to change, but this is my config: { module: 'MMM-BackgroundSlideshow', position: 'bottom_left', config: { imagePaths: ['modules/MMM-BackgroundSlideshow/exampleImages/094F-D0E0/'], transitionImages: true, randomizeImageOrder: true, slideshowSpeed: 30000, } },