darickc / MMM-BackgroundSlideshow

MIT License
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Changing the language given by the config.js #74

Closed Abert2002 closed 4 years ago

Abert2002 commented 4 years ago

After installing and running the module (its working like a charm Thank you for this!) my day at the clock is changed from german to english. There was Donnerstag, 14. Mai instead of Thursday, May 14 Any idea how to solve this?


darickc commented 4 years ago

Do you have the latest code? I changed the reference to moment.js hoping it would fix this issue. Does line 133 of MMM-BackgroundSlideshow.js look like this?

return ['modules/' + this.name + '/node_modules/exif-js/exif.js', 'modules/' + this.name + '/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js', 'moment.js'];

Abert2002 commented 4 years ago

I just made a fresh installation. Now its working! :) Thank you for this!
