darint916 / ros2-gazebo-drake-sims

Few small Tools meshing all three for controls
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Fixing inertia calcs #19

Closed BrightKnight02 closed 1 week ago

BrightKnight02 commented 3 weeks ago

Trying to fix the inertia calculations for the optimization. The was a small error in the slender rod calculations, which was found after creating the tests in test_inertial_preperties.py.

I'm not going to close the issue yet as I may be interpreting some things wrong.

There is a chance things that were not supposed to change did change. For those things I am sorry.

BrightKnight02 commented 2 weeks ago

This is ready for an additional review. https://github.com/darint916/ros2-gazebo-drake-sims/pull/19/commits/d1ec297ed6a17289ca889a7ec48cf7fd150428fd should have fixed all calculations related to the current optimization.

BrightKnight02 commented 1 week ago

The inertia was changed to be in the correct coordinate system. Inertia and center of mass was calculated as if the wing spar was along the y axis, but Gazebo was set up such that the wing spar was along the x axis. This was fixed by changing what index lines 83-88 and line 92 in top_level.py pointed to for the inertia tensor calculated by the TriWing class. This is equivalent to rotating the coordinate system.