dariopavllo / convmesh

Code for "Convolutional Generation of Textured 3D Meshes", NeurIPS 2020
MIT License
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How does the linear_rasterizer transform vtx to the input image size? #7

Open meijie0401 opened 3 years ago

meijie0401 commented 3 years ago

Before linear_rasterizer, I guess each vertex in 'vtx' variable is in the unit UV sphere coordinate system? I notice the value of x/y/z for each vertex in 'vtx' is about [-1,1]. For example, one vertex is (1.2, 1.1, 0.8). And the input image size is 256x256.

My question is which pixel this vertex will be projected to on the image plane? Or the question can be what is the corresponding vertex coordinate for the pixel (0,0) and pixel (256,256)?