dariopb / ha-gosenseapp

Application that uses the gosense library to discover and publish sensor information to HA via MQTT
39 stars 12 forks source link

Change Port 8080 #6

Open iammenotyou opened 4 years ago

iammenotyou commented 4 years ago

Is there any way to use a port other than 8080. Running this docker and specifying another port like below doesn't help as it still will always be port 8080.

sudo docker run -p 8989:8080 -d -it --rm --net host -v /home/user/gosenseapp/app.yaml:/app.yaml --privileged dariob/gosenseapp:latest

This causes conflicts with other applications running on server.

iammenotyou commented 4 years ago

Could you provide instructions on how to compile after downloading your source code. Because then it would be possible to change gosenseapi.go to a port different than 8080.