darioragusa / JWLibrary-MediaInserter

Add custom images or videos to the Watchtower or the Meeting Workbook.
MIT License
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Terms Of Use #1

Closed fulllinuxpi closed 2 years ago

fulllinuxpi commented 2 years ago

Have you ever had problems with the term of use below?


  1. What proper use? JW Library has been designed to download, organize, and display Watch Tower's electronic publications for your personal, non-commercial use only. Hence, you may not post any portion of the Watch Tower’s electronic publications on the Internet or on any other electronic network or use the publications commercially or in exchange for money — even if no profit is involved. Modification of the JW Library app is not permitted.

I await reply!

darioragusa commented 2 years ago

No, never. Despite the name, I'm not modifying the app, I'm modifying the publications.

About "you may not post any portion of the Watch Tower’s electronic publications on the Internet", I'm removing the two images from the readme. Thanks for letting me know.

fulllinuxpi commented 2 years ago

Just one more thing. Maybe put the restore function from the deprecated version!


darioragusa commented 2 years ago

Yeah, they have already asked me 😅. It will arrive in a future update.