daris / fluxbb-converters

FluxBB Migration Tool
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The script only convert the first 100 forum entries ! #7

Open MissGeek opened 11 years ago

MissGeek commented 11 years ago


I moved my Connectix Boards to a new host then I converted it to FluxBB lately. While I was configuring the new board, I noticed that some forums seem to be missing. Then I compared the FluxBB's forum table data with the CB's forums (topicgroups) table data, to figure out that only the 100 first entries were converted ! Since I already did a lot of configuration, I'll have to go in the topics table in order to attach the orphan topics to an existing forum !

I don't know if this bug occurs while converting other forum systems, for it occurred while converting a CB forum.

If you have time to look for it, it would be appreciated.


MissGeek commented 11 years ago

Never mind, I found the faulty line and I fixed it as well as I fixed more bugs I found.