darius / expr

Evaluate mathematical expressions in Java
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Error when compiling documentation #3

Open rissom opened 8 years ago

rissom commented 8 years ago

I cloned the repository and then ran make. I got the following error message:

[thorse@Chili ~/proggen/java/expr:master] make javac -O expr/.java Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. jar cf expr.jar expr/BinaryExpr.class expr/Parser.class expr/Token.class expr/ConditionalExpr.class expr/Scanner.class expr/UnaryExpr.class expr/Expr.class expr/SyntaxException.class expr/Variable.class expr/LiteralExpr.class cd doc; javadoc -classpath .. ../expr/.java Loading source file ../expr/Benchmark.java... Loading source file ../expr/Example.java... Loading source file ../expr/Expr.java... Loading source file ../expr/Parser.java... Loading source file ../expr/RegressionTest.java... Loading source file ../expr/Scanner.java... Loading source file ../expr/SyntaxException.java... Loading source file ../expr/Token.java... Loading source file ../expr/Variable.java... Constructing Javadoc information... Standard Doclet version 1.8.0_60 Building tree for all the packages and classes... Generating ./expr/Benchmark.html... Generating ./expr/Example.html... Generating ./expr/Expr.html... Generating ./expr/Parser.html... ../expr/Parser.java:57: warning: no @return static public Expr parse(String input) throws SyntaxException { ^ ../expr/Parser.java:87: warning: no @return public Expr parseString(String input) throws SyntaxException { ^ ../expr/Parser.java:44: warning: empty


      _/ ^ ../expr/Parser.java:44: error: element not closed: UL
        */ ^ ../expr/Parser.java:40: error: element not closed: UL
          ^ Generating ./expr/RegressionTest.html... Generating ./expr/SyntaxException.html... Generating ./expr/Variable.html... Generating ./expr/package-frame.html... Generating ./expr/package-summary.html... Generating ./expr/package-tree.html... Generating ./constant-values.html... Generating ./serialized-form.html... Building index for all the packages and classes... Generating ./overview-tree.html... Generating ./index-all.html... Generating ./deprecated-list.html... Building index for all classes... Generating ./allclasses-frame.html... Generating ./allclasses-noframe.html... Generating ./index.html... Generating ./help-doc.html... 2 errors 3 warnings make: *_\* [jdoc] Error 1
darius commented 8 years ago

Thanks! The errors, though not the warnings, should be gone now. (I don't have Java installed to check.)