dariusk / NaNoGenMo-2014

National Novel Generation Month, 2014 edition.
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Sévigné from keyword searches #111

Open lilinx opened 9 years ago

lilinx commented 9 years ago

This is pretty basic but i'm happy with the results. First draft, still have to work on this (including implementation of neat automation) Inspired by the keyword scripting method i've seen in "generated detective". Good luck with google translator.


  1. Take a corpus (here, the complete letters of the Marquise de Sévigné)
  2. Define a keyword sequence that will be used as a basic generation script for the generated text.
  3. Generate text from sentences containing the keywords in the order you have defined
  4. Delimiters for a "sentence" are : any punctuation marks (,-;:?!...)

Examples :

A. (sequence : "voici", "madame", "c'est", "j'en suis")

I. Voici une petite nouvelle qui ne vaut pas la peine d'en parler Madame de Roquelaure est revenue tellement belle C'est avec cela qu'on fit un bal le jour de Saint-Hubert Je ne vous dis rien sur la parfaite joie que j'en ai

II. Voici un endroit sur quoi l'accusé ne pourra pas répondre de madame votre femme c'est-à-dire qu'entre-ci et là ce n'est pas vivre et que j'en ferai encore bien d'autres

III. Voici un jour qui nous donne de grandes esperances Pour M. et Madame de Charost c'est vous encore j'entends votre ton

B. sequence : "malgré", "malgré", "malgré", "est nécéssaire"

IV. malgré moi malgré les divines beautés de son frère malgré le beau raisonnement du commencement ma lettre ce voyage est nécessaire à ma vie

V. malgré Caumartin malgré le péril qui m'attend malgré la conduite de ceux qui ne la veulent pas il est persuadé que ce remède m'est nécéssaire

ikarth commented 9 years ago

Looks like we can add French to the list of languages.

lilinx commented 9 years ago

Now several ideas arise from this thing : 1) Generative stylistic essay on Madame de Sévigné, where I take an existing stylistic essay (maybe several, mashed) and replace all quotes with above generated haiku-style letters

2) Stylistic essay about Japanase haiku writer where i replace all quotes with above generated texts, and all first names with names of Madame de Sévigné and her consorts

And also ideas to take a step away from the snobbishly-mechanically-funny esthetics and try to generated a bleak, touching output, playing on the borders of procedural fiction and bleak intimate realism :

3) Diary of the mental decay of Madame de Sévigné where I use the diary of someone affected by dementia as input, replacing names with Madame de Sévigné's, inserting the above generated letters introduced by template sentences like "However, Madame de Sévigné still tries to write to her daughter."

4) Videogame (YEAH) which would be a "Madame de Sévigné Dementia Writer Device" where generation described above is an interactive process where the player writes letter by typing words that turn into full sentences when the player is satisfied with the letters he can "send" them, and proceed with the story (short narrative fragments depicting Madame de Sévigné who is writing her last letters to her daughter under the effects of dementia) The letters written by the players are archived online in a book called "last unknown letters of Madame de Sévigné to her daughter".