dariusk / NaNoGenMo-2014

National Novel Generation Month, 2014 edition.
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One-off podcast session? #119

Open VincentToups opened 9 years ago

VincentToups commented 9 years ago

Hi NaNoGenMo folks - a couple of other folks and I were thinking about getting together on Skype to record a one-time podcast about our NaNoGenMo submissions and thoughts related to them.

I accidentally posted this in the 2013 repository, so I am reposting it here. We are all fairly flexible time wise, but were thinking about 4PM EST time, this Saturday, which is the 29th.

Anyone else interested?

hugovk commented 9 years ago

Here's 4PM EST in other timezones: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20141129T16&p1=43

VincentToups commented 9 years ago

It occurs to me that 4pm EST is pretty inconvenient for anyone who may be in Europe - the time and date are still flexible.

ikarth commented 9 years ago

I may be available that day; if so I'll be pretty flexible on time.

MichaelPaulukonis commented 9 years ago

4PM EST on Saturday looks like a no-go for me now. blarg. Wish everyone well.

VincentToups commented 9 years ago

I don't think we have enough people to set a time yet, so I've created the following web based thingy to coordinate the choice of date and time:


Please go and mark out times you can meet or not meet. I'm looking forward to jawing a bit about our experiments!

ikarth commented 9 years ago

What time zone are the options in? EST?

VincentToups commented 9 years ago

Let's call it EST.