dariusk / NaNoGenMo-2014

National Novel Generation Month, 2014 edition.
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Each Slaves #124

Open Midflak opened 9 years ago

Midflak commented 9 years ago

I have a near finished project I will upload, as soon as I figure out how github works. It is written in Matlab and is a simple sentence generator that generates 9000 sentences of the form "the noun verbs the noun".

Here is a preview: "The book incorporates the individual and the poet fits the preference and the rice reserves the iron and the sandwich battles the culture and the phone announces the two and the high shelters the secret and the attention prompts the warning and the professional evens the brief and the atmosphere reserves the attitude and the resource bottles the suit and the confidence attracts the official and the host commands the quarter and the source explains the committee and the wealth ignores the committee and the speed builds the round and the death stomachs the mouse and the enthusiasm rushs the opportunity and so on."

Edit: Finished project here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1m2lt6crhmxx8yt/AAC43qhTF1AKmkkcl-lpIOeOa?dl=0

hugovk commented 9 years ago

@Midflak How are you getting on with uploading to GitHub? Just shout if you need some help with it.

Midflak commented 9 years ago

Yes, please! I would like some help.

cpressey commented 9 years ago

@Midflak If you don't want to mess around with git itself, a simple way to upload stuff is to use https://gist.github.com/ . Copy the contents of your novel to the clipboard and paste in it the text area. Then click "Create public Gist".

Then do the same with the source of your generator. (And if you give it a name like each_slaves.matlab in the place where it says "Name this file...", it should automatically apply syntax highlighting to it when it displays it, too.)

Hope this helps -- if it doesn't help, just keep shouting :)

Midflak commented 9 years ago

I would like to upload a PDF with the finished novel, as well. Is there an easy way to do that?

cpressey commented 9 years ago

No, it doesn't look like there is. You probably have to create a repository for that (but the resources ikarth just mentioned here might help for that.)

Just as a reminder, there is no requirement in NaNoGenMo that you need to put your novel and code on Github (it's just convenient, especially for people who already use Github for other stuff...) So if it's easier for you to host it somewhere else, please feel free to do that too and just add a link to it here.

Midflak commented 9 years ago

Here is a dropbox link to the finished novel: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1m2lt6crhmxx8yt/AAC43qhTF1AKmkkcl-lpIOeOa?dl=0

Word count: 54020 Page count: 474