dariusk / NaNoGenMo-2014

National Novel Generation Month, 2014 edition.
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Spanish and Poetic/Surrealist Novel Generator #130

Open altuzar opened 9 years ago

altuzar commented 9 years ago

My NaNoGenMo14 code. Novels (like verse or poetry novels) in Spanish. It's possible to change the "source text" easily. Generates a nice title too, and set it as the name of the file.

Code: https://github.com/altuzar/nanogenmo14 First novel: https://github.com/altuzar/nanogenmo14/blob/master/1417214353_o_En_ebriedad_de_sus_irradiaciones.txt

Excerpt of "1417214353 o En ebriedad de sus irradiaciones":

Los vegetales salen a comer al borde de mis pies? Ningún navegante ha encontrado la rosa del mar a la vida siente miedo El ojo anclado al medio de las horas Ahora que un alfiler se clave en la pesca Aventura de luz ensimismada Sigamos cultivando en el nido de su tierra


The Python Markov Chain taken from a Hacker News Headline Generator from somewhere, called hngen.py, but could not find the origin. Maybe was here but the link is down: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6815282 However, the code is used here and in some other places: https://github.com/FiloSottile/HNTitles Vicente Huidobro for "Altazor", the poetry book. It was written in 1931, so maybe it's legal to distribute it. Clearly the best poetry book ever: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altazor