dariusk / NaNoGenMo-2014

National Novel Generation Month, 2014 edition.
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Somewhere, Something #133

Open QuinnKybartas opened 9 years ago

QuinnKybartas commented 9 years ago

For my entry I made a simple python program that can build stories from a string grammar. I then built a ~50k novel of these short stories. The idea was essentially to have a set of short surreal stories which all take place in and around a fictional city. For reading its best to just pick a chapter at random and see if you can get a story out of it, as the results are quite mixed :)

The code should be straightforward enough that its easy to play around with the grammar and it should be able to run without any extra python dependencies (although right now it writes to a .tex file which needs to be compiled in Latex to make a pdf)

Code: https://github.com/BenKybartas/FlashFictionGen Pdf Output: https://github.com/BenKybartas/FlashFictionGen/blob/master/SomethingSomewhere.pdf Txt Output: https://github.com/BenKybartas/FlashFictionGen/blob/master/SomethingSomewhere.txt


hugovk commented 9 years ago

I like it!

Many short, standalone parts, that can be read a bit at a time, is a good way to go. It sidesteps the problem of a coherent narrative spanning a whole novel.