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National Novel Generation Month, 2014 edition.
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50,000 Meows by @hugovk #50

Open hugovk opened 9 years ago

hugovk commented 9 years ago

50,000 Meows

The rules say:

The "novel" is defined however you want. It could be 50,000 repetitions of the word "meow". It could literally grab a random novel from Project Gutenberg. It doesn't matter, as long as it's 50k+ words.

Well, someone had better create 50,000 meows just to get it out of the way.

But this isn't just "meow" 50,000 times. meow.py replaces all words with a meow of the same length, keeping punctuation.


python meow.py infile.txt > outfile.txt


Here's the above rule put through meow.py:

Mew "meeow" me meeooow meoooow mew meow. Me meeow me me,mew meeeeeoooow me mew meow "meow". Me meoow meeeeeoow meow m meooow meoow meow Meeooow Meeeeeoow. Me meoow'm meooow, me meow me me'm mew+ meoow.

Here's the output of running meow.py on some Project Gutenberg (Purrject Mewtenberg):

Original meow words with translation words
Cats, by W. Gordon Stables txt pdf 90,574 txt pdf 181,149
Cats, by Charles H. Ross txt pdf 59,725 txt pdf 119,451
The Jungle Book by Kipling txt pdf 52,526 txt pdf 105,052
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals by David Hume txt pdf 50,603 txt pdf 101,206
Moby Dick; or The Whale, by Herman Melville txt pdf 215,136 txt pdf 430,272


Here's part of Moby Dick:

"MEEOW.... Me. mew Mew. MEOW. Meow meooow me meoow meow meeooooow me
meeeoow; mew me Mew. MEOOW me meeeow me meeeeow." --MEEEEOW'M MEEEEEEOOW

"MEEOW.... Me me meow meeeeooooow meow mew Mew. mew Mew. MEOOOW; M.M.
MEOW-MEW, me meow, me meeoow." --MEEEOOOOOW'M MEEEEEEOOW

     MEOOW,               MEEOW.
     MEEOW,               MEOOW.
     MEEOW,               MEEOW-MEOOW.
     MEOOW,               MEEEOW.
     MEW,                 MEOOW.
     MEOW,                MEEEOOW.
     MEEOW,               MEEEEOOOW.
     MEOOW,               MEOOOOW.
     MEEOOOW,             MEOOOW.
     MEOOOOW,             MEEEOOW.

MEEEOOOW (Meeeeoow me m Mew-Mew-Meeeeeeow).

And here's part the Jungle Book with line-by-line translations:

He was a mongoose, rather like a little cat in his fur and his
Me mew m meeoooow, meeeow meow m meeeow mew me mew mew mew mew

tail, but quite like a weasel in his head and his habits.  His
meow, mew meoow meow m meeeow me mew meow mew mew meeoow.  Mew

eyes and the end of his restless nose were pink.  He could scratch
meow mew mew mew me mew meooooow meow meow meow.  Me meeow meeeoow

himself anywhere he pleased with any leg, front or back, that he
meeooow meeeeeow me meeooow meow mew mew, meeow me meow, meow me

chose to use.  He could fluff up his tail till it looked like a
meeow me mew.  Me meoow meeow me mew meow meow me meeeow meow m

bottle brush, and his war cry as he scuttled through the long
meeoow meeow, mew mew mew mew me me meeeeeow meeeoow mew meow

grass was: "Rikk-tikk-tikki-tikki-tchk!"
meoow mew: "Meow-meow-meeow-meoow-meow!"

Finally, here's meow.py put through meow.py.

ikarth commented 9 years ago

Well, I guess somebody finally had to meow.

MichaelPaulukonis commented 9 years ago

Cat's out of the bag.

What will @cpressey think?!!!

The output is far more interested than I would have suspected.

cpressey commented 9 years ago

I like it! If you will permit me a moment of insufferable pedantry, however, I will note that it is only infrequently that I have heard a cat make a sound that I would be inclined to onomatopoeically transliterate as "meow". Quite often, the utterance is something more like "raa" or "mehr" where the vowel is slightly nasalized or perhaps glottalized in a way for which I'm sure even the International Phonetic Alphabet does not possess a fully accurate notation. My own feline companion, in fact, has been known to, on occasion, make a bleating sound quite remarkably comparable to that of a sheep. And as for text produced by cats, that is another story entirely.

(And the moral of this comment is: do not wonder what @cpressey thinks, lest he inform you of it)

MichaelPaulukonis commented 9 years ago

@cpressey - I'm going to indulge in a bit of thread-jacking, and proffer my own keyjams - wherein I generally randomly mashed on a keyboard, but not completely randomly.

hugovk commented 9 years ago

@cpressey Well, it'd be a doddle to repurpose it for "raa" or "mehr", or even a random utterance.

cpressey commented 9 years ago

@hugovk Ehhh don't mind me, I was just exercising my internal pseud generator. I do like it though. It's like a carrier wave without a signal. Or maybe, a silhouette.

@MichaelPaulukonis that. looks. fun. /me resists the temptation to start doing that right now

eseyffarth commented 9 years ago

Ooooh @hugovk can you do one with "no"?

hugovk commented 9 years ago

@ojahnn No.

Noby Dick

TXT / PDF / TXT with line-by-line translations / code / tests / CI / coverage

hugovk commented 9 years ago

Here's an article about this and #116: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/12/moby-dick-in-50000-meows-and-other-tales-that-computers-tell/383340/

hugovk commented 9 years ago

A commenter on The Atlantic points out The Meow Wars:

The largest flame war in Usenet history, involving hundreds of people from over 80 newsgroups, lasting over forty-five weeks. It was the Usenet equivalent of World War II. It was The Flamewar to End All Flamewars.

RandomGuy0400 commented 5 years ago

Do one for dogs too With "woof" or "wuf"

hugovk commented 5 years ago

@RandomGuy0400 I made 50,000 Woofs last year!
