Closed puckey closed 4 years ago
Interesting! Are you picking the first tweet every minute? Quite curious to know the search query. :)
I am sourcing the tweets from with the following query:
'"its ' + hour + ':' + minute + '' + amPm + ' and"' +
' OR ' +
'"its ' + hour + ':' + minute + ' ' + amPm + ' and"'
Right now it is the first tweet from the results I get back, but I will probably change it to be the most recent tweet.
Related: twarc is a command line tool for archiving JSON Twitter search results.
Last year, Nick Monfort wrote World Clock that generated something for each time of the day, around the world. This was combinatoric, though -- not pull real-world text.
Thanks for the links!
Last night I also put together a Twitter clock with this idea (running on CET timezone):
Last night I also put together a Twitter clock with this idea (running on CET timezone):
That's great! Promising stuff for the novel!
Source code for the bot:
First version of the book:
Just 15 thousand words - so I am going to have another stab at it next week. I will try taking multiple tweets about the same time and combine them, leaving out the repeating 'it is xx:xx and'.
Good stuff!
I thought the sixth hour of a day was 5-6am (not 6-7am), because the first hour is midnight-1am (not 1-2am).
Of course, depends when you start counting, and if you're starting from zeroeth hour.
Yeah, the chapter names are not final yet.. I imagined someone waking up at 6am and then counting the hours of the day..
Here's an article about this one:
And another:
We plan to make a generated diary containing entries on every minute of the day using data from twitter.
Divided into chapters for every hour.
Sample: It's 11:28am and all I want to do is watch adventure time and eat chinese food. It's 11:29am and I am craving a beer. Must be a railscamp anticipation thing. It's 11:30 am and I'm already over Monday x10000. It's 11:31am and binafofina's already posting ass shots, ugh. Marry me? It's 11:32am and I have already cried today bc greys anatomy. It's 11:33am and i just woke up. It's 11:34am and i haven't bathed i m so disgusting.
We have a Twitter bot running that is also collecting the Tweets for later use:
Source code:
First (and I guess final) version of this book:
For a live version of the Twitter clock, see:
We made this project for an exhibition at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The exhibition is called ‘Confessions of the Imperfect’ and shows how the urge to continually transform and perfect manifests itself in our daily lives and how art and design both go along with and counteract it. You can find more information about the exhibition here: