dariusk / NaNoGenMo-2015

National Novel Generation Month, 2015 edition.
341 stars 21 forks source link

declaring my intention to participate! #111

Open kellyi opened 8 years ago

kellyi commented 8 years ago

No firm title or plan yet; just some ideas.

kellyi commented 8 years ago

Progress! Minimal progress, but still: I made a GitHub repo to hold my project:


I think what I'm going to do is make a Sinatra site designed to be read on mobile that uses some bank of text to make some sort of web equivalent to a BS Johnson novel like The Unfortunates. As far as a corpus goes, I was thinking about feeding the thing a long collection of paragraphs or sentences from public domain novels which describe rooms, then chaining them together in some way while generating connective text between them to write a story about passing through dozens and dozens of rooms ordered randomly at page load.