dariusk / NaNoGenMo-2015

National Novel Generation Month, 2015 edition.
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Nakazoto's random story #114

Open Nakazoto opened 8 years ago

Nakazoto commented 8 years ago

I'm a new user to Github and just starting to get a hang of programming in VB. This sounded like fun though, so I'll give it a shot! The result will probably be terrible, but I'm guaranteed to learn something new, so it's 100% worth it! (Assuming of course I can figure out how to use GitHub)

ikarth commented 8 years ago

Welcome! GitHub is really only needed if you want to upload your code it GitHub at the end. And for abusing the Issue tracker to emulate forum threads.

I do recommend that people learn git, or at least enough tools to manage source code control. But that's more general-life-advice, not NaNoGenMo requirements.

hugovk commented 8 years ago

Welcome! You can upload your code absolutely anywhere for NaNoGenMo.

Nakazoto commented 8 years ago

Thanks guys! I totally need to learn Git, but I imagine that until then, I'll probably be uploading my source code wherever is the easiest.

So, I haven't the first clue how to program something like this, but the first step was pulling items from txt files. It took me a short while to figure out how to not only read but embed the text files so the compiled exe can be shared, but I got something working now. It aint much, but it's a start. Unfortunately, it paints a pretty poor picture of Mike.

First twenty lines of text: Mike loved the pistol at the gym Mike loved the gun at the kitchen Mike swallowed the mouse at the university Mike fought the food at the store Mike shot the cup at the work Mike loved the duck at the university Mike destroyed the mouse at the kitchen Mike swallowed the laptop at the kitchen Mike swam the mouse at the store Mike killed the computer at the shop Mike shot the keyboard at the kitchen Mike shot the duck at the gym Mike ate the pistol at the gym Mike swam the mouse at the school Mike swallowed the duck at the shop Mike destroyed the pistol at the kitchen Mike jumped the keyboard at the work Mike ate the duck at the library Mike loved the duck at the work Mike ate the gun at the gym

Still needs a lot of work, but this is pretty fun so far!