dariusk / NaNoGenMo

National Novel Generation Month. Because.
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Permission to come aboard. #16

Open SharpCoder opened 10 years ago

SharpCoder commented 10 years ago

I am really excited for this project. I have so many (potentially awesome) ideas that I hope to play around with. Count me in!

Ploogle commented 10 years ago


SharpCoder commented 10 years ago

First pass implementation complete!

Web version: http://botnov.com/ Twitter Bot: @botnov

For the twitter bot, simply tell it you'd like to contribute (or whatever) and it will respond with the last supplied phrase. Reply the tweet with your contribution and it will automatically be added to the story!

SharpCoder commented 10 years ago

Snippet from the novel: Maybe I can improvise some kind of flatulence-based propulsion mechanism, he pondered in desperation before realising he didn't have a clue how he was going to get out of this. There was nothing else for it but to start drinking. And that meant trouble. Trouble was the name of her dog, see? So called because he had a knack for getting into things, mainly trouble. And that was all he thought about as the ship slipped away. Jebediah began contemplating some important questions about life. Truly troubling.

Unfortunately, this needs critical mass to really take off - so unless I got a lot of people contributing, I think this project will not make the deadline. I'll keep it up, for sure, but I am working on a new idea now. More details to come!

darkliquid commented 10 years ago

Maybe sharing it with some online writing communities such as protagonize or ficly would help rally some contributors (they have twitter accounts of the same name if you want to contact them over twitter).

SharpCoder commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion, darkliquid! That's a great idea.