dariusk / NaNoGenMo

National Novel Generation Month. Because.
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Even More Ultraviolent Homer (aka Homeric Violence script) #62

Open lilinx opened 10 years ago

lilinx commented 10 years ago

This is a very simple script that parses Leconte de Lisle's French translation of Homer's Iliad (1866) and keeps only sentences with the string "frapp" (that means hit/hurt). Also, the order is reversed. Most of the sentences picked up this way start with "And..." and describe a violent action (yes that's even more violent than GTA). Other type of sentences are there too, including lines of dialogs, so reading still feels quite natural. The whole thing conveys the feeling of a terrific chaotic ultra gore battle where nobody understands who's fighting whom but everybody is shouting terrible things and randomly "plunging acute iron into tender flesh"

Here is the generated novel : http://www.lilinx.com/emuh/evenmoreultraviolenthomer.pdf

NB : copy paste it in http://translate.google.com if you want

Script source : http://www.lilinx.com/emuh/homericviolence.capx

Okay coding is still such a struggle for me so I did the script in Construct 2 you can open capx.file with Construct 2 (freeware) : https://www.scirra.com/construct2

Pierre Chevalier www.lilinx.com

lilinx commented 10 years ago

actually I totally forgot about the 50k words rule, please accept apologizes

lilinx commented 10 years ago

Just wanted to translate a sample into English to give non French speaker an idea of the whole thing. This is the super badass ending of Even More Ultraviolent Homer :

"And haired Achaeans were shooting at him and beating him with arrows and stones. He spoke, and he struck him with the scepter, on the back and the soulders. He struck the mules first and fast dogs, but then he pierced the men themselves with the line that kills."

dariusk commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the translation, this is so great! No worries on the 50k, there's no prize or anything :)

FelipeBudinich commented 10 years ago

First time I can properly say that a project is EPIC

catseye commented 10 years ago

I love this concept. Once again, I am having trouble breathing.

lilinx commented 10 years ago

Guys, thank you so much. Also, if you want, just put the novel in Google Translate, it's funny.

MichaelPaulukonis commented 10 years ago

I only just today clicked the link to find out how you coded this.

A most original choice of development environment.

One upon a time, I happened upon the project-page of somebody that was converting the original PacMan board to run as an OS. No longer seems to be online. But only something of that nature could be weirder for NaNoGenMo.

(I consider esoteric programming languages to be more traditional than something aimed at non-programmers, for this purpose. Although a text-generator in Piet would be something to behold.)

lilinx commented 10 years ago

Well I have to say, for normal humans like me (with no knowledge of code) Construct 2 sounds like the sensible way of doing things, like you know, I click&drag an object and I tell him to do this and this. I don't know how the pacman board can be run as an OS but it sounds cool. Also I've been checking out this Piet thing and it's totally amazing.

MichaelPaulukonis commented 10 years ago

@lilinx [gl|s]ad to say, the act of NaNoGenMo participation has rendered you a no-longer-normal human.