Closed RobertASmith closed 7 months ago
Had some feedback, which I agree with, outlining how important this is. @W-Mohammed are you able to look into it further?
Hi @RobertASmith, I have spent some time working on this issue, and here is a quick update.
function.Also, you can see from the screenshot above that while the file/test links are valid, the browser cannot access the file (as a text editor). I chased this, and while there is a solution, it is impractical for the assertHE
package; users would have to grant the browser access to the tested package folder.
On a positive note, the intended functionality works through shiny
, as seen below.
Had some feedback, which I agree with, outlining how important this is. @W-Mohammed are you able to look into it further?
Can you please elaborate on the feedback you received?
Yeah I think we will have to use shiny, the benefit of being able to click through is substantial for reviewers - copy-pasting + searching would be very frustrating. Thanks for this, very useful guidance.
Had some feedback, which I agree with, outlining how important this is. @W-Mohammed are you able to look into it further?
Can you please elaborate on the feedback you received?
I'll catch you up in our next meeting
The aforementioned feedback didn't come from me, but I agree would be great for this to function as intended.
It's difficult to see what code is actually being used in your tests above (via the screenshots and videos), but to avoid the shiny app refreshing, it's possible that you'd need to add target="_blank"
to the a()
html. For JS, it would be , '_blank');
Thanks, @nialldavison, for the feedback. The issue was with the a()
HTML. This is now fixed, and the app works as I expected.
Here are some more information about the code I was playing with.
The test code below assumes that devtools::load_all()
is called from main
The plot network
is updated with a JavaScript hook.
#' Plot Network
#' Visualize a network plot using the visNetwork package.
#' @param df_edges A data frame containing columns "from" and "to" representing the edges of the network.
#' @param from_col Name of the column in df_edges representing the source nodes.
#' @param to_col Name of the column in df_edges representing the target nodes.
#' @param df_summary A summary dataframe containing the information about each function.
#' @param df_coverage a summary dataframe with function names and test coverages
#' @param color_no_test named vector with hexcodes for background, border and highlight
#' @param color_with_test named vector with hexcodes for background, border and highlight
#' @param color_mod_coverage named vector with hexcodes for background, border and highlight where coverage moderate
#' @param moderate_coverage_range vector of two values giving range defined as moderate coverage.
#' @return A visNetwork object representing the network plot.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Plot a network from a data frame of edges
#' plotNetwork(df_edges)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom visNetwork visNetwork visEdges visOptions
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom htmltools a
plotNetwork <- function(df_edges,
from_col = "from",
to_col = "to",
color_no_test = c("background" = "#fad1d0", "border" = "#9c0000", "highlight" = "#9c0000"),
color_with_test = c("background" = "#e6ffe6", "border" = "#65a765", "highlight" = "#65a765"),
color_mod_coverage = c("background" = "#FFD580", "border" = "#E49B0F", "highlight" = "#E49B0F"),
moderate_coverage_range = c(0.2, 0.8)) {
# Check input validity
from_col %in% colnames(df_edges),
to_col %in% colnames(df_edges))
# Extract unique nodes from the dataframe
df_nodes <- processNodes(df_edges = df_edges,
from_col = from_col,
to_col = to_col)
df_node_info <- df_summary[, c("foo_string", "foo_location", "test_location")]
# add in foo locations and test location to function strings in the edge dataframe
df_node_info <-
df_node_info[!duplicated(df_node_info[ , "foo_string"]), ] |>
merge(y = df_nodes,
by.x = "foo_string",
by.y = "id",
all.y = T)
# add in coverage
foo_string_rename <- c("id" = "foo_string")
if (!is.null(df_coverage)) {
df_node_info <- df_node_info |>
merge(y = df_coverage,
by = "foo_string",
all.x = T) |>
} else{
df_node_info <- df_node_info |>
dplyr::mutate(coverage = NA) |>
# create the html for the toggle...
foo_paths <- df_node_info$foo_location
test_paths <- df_node_info$test_location
df_nodes$title <- paste0(
"Foo Name: ",
"<br>Foo Location: <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"openInRStudio('",
foo_paths, "'); event.preventDefault();\">",
df_node_info$foo_location, "</a>",
# skip "Test location" if coverage is 0%, cleaned_test_path == "".
test = test_paths == "",
yes = "",
no = paste0(
"<br>Test location: <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"openInRStudio('",
test_paths, "'); event.preventDefault();\">",
df_node_info$test_location, "</a>"
"<br>Coverage: ",
paste0(df_node_info$coverage * 100, "%")
# define the colors based upon tests
df_nodes$color.background <- ifelse(test =$test_location),
yes = color_no_test["background"],
no = color_with_test["background"])
df_nodes$color.border <- ifelse(test =$test_location),
yes = color_no_test["border"],
no = color_with_test["border"])
df_nodes$color.highlight <- ifelse(test =$test_location),
yes = color_no_test["highlight"],
no = color_with_test["highlight"])
# if code coverage is not all nulls
df_nodes$color.background <- ifelse(test = between(x = df_node_info$coverage,
left = moderate_coverage_range[1],
right = moderate_coverage_range[2]),
yes = color_mod_coverage["background"],
no = df_nodes$color.background)
df_nodes$color.border <- ifelse(test = between(x = df_node_info$coverage,
left = moderate_coverage_range[1],
right = moderate_coverage_range[2]),
yes = color_mod_coverage["border"],
no = df_nodes$color.border)
df_nodes$color.highlight <- ifelse(test = between(x = df_node_info$coverage,
left = moderate_coverage_range[1],
right = moderate_coverage_range[2]),
yes = color_mod_coverage["highlight"],
no = df_nodes$color.highlight)
# Create the network plot
g <- visNetwork::visNetwork(
nodes = df_nodes,
edges = df_edges,
main = "Function Network",
submain = list(text = 'Functions without a test are <a style="color:#9c0000;">red</a> and those with a test are <a style="color:#65a765;">green</a>. Hover over nodes for more information.',
style = "font-family:Calibri; font-size:15px; text-align:center;"),
footer = '<a href="">Created with assertHE</a>',
width = "100%"
) |>
visNetwork::visEdges(arrows = 'from') |>
manipulation = TRUE,
highlightNearest = list(
enabled = TRUE,
degree = nrow(df_nodes),
algorithm = "hierarchical"
collapse = list(enabled = TRUE),
height = "500px",
width = "100%",
nodesIdSelection = TRUE
Define a couple of utils functions.
#' Remove artefacts from file path
#' @param file_location Character scalar specifying the path of a file.
#' @return A character scalar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cleaned_file_path <- clean_file_path(
#' file_location = "tests/testthat/example_project/R/calculate_QALYs.R:L41"
#' )
#' cleaned_file_path <- clean_file_path(
#' file_location = c(
#' "tests/testthat/example_project/R/calculate_QALYs.R:L41",
#' "tests/testthat/example_project/R/calculate_QALYs.R:L49"
#' )
#' )
#' }
clean_file_path <- function(file_location) {
clean_file_path <- gsub(":.*", "", file_location)
full_file_path <- ifelse(
test =,
yes = "",
no = paste0(here::here(), "/", clean_file_path)
clean_function_line <- function(file_location) {
function_line <- gsub(".*:L", "", file_location)
function_line <- ifelse( test =, yes = -1L, no = as.numeric(function_line) )
return(function_line) }
- Build and test the shiny app.
ui <- shiny::fluidPage( shiny::tags$head( shiny::tags$script(" function openInRStudio(file_location) { console.log('Executing JavaScript function openInRStudio'); console.log('File location: ' + file_location); // For debugging
// Send message to Shiny server
Shiny.setInputValue('openRStudio', file_location);
} ") ), shiny::fluidRow( shiny::column(12, visNetwork::visNetworkOutput("networkPlot") ) ) )
server <- function(input, output, session) { output$networkPlot <- visNetwork::renderVisNetwork({
project_path = "tests/testthat/example_project",
foo_path = "R",
test_path = "tests/testthat",
run_coverage = TRUE
shiny::observeEvent(input$openRStudio, {
file_location <- input$openRStudio
file_path <- assertHE::clean_file_path(
file_location = file_location
function_line <- assertHE::clean_function_line(
file_location = file_location
if (file.exists(file_path)) {
file = file_path,
line = function_line
} else {
paste("File not found:", file_path),
type = "error"
}) }
shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)
Was the secret to this the use of "preventDefault()" ?
Very nice @W-Mohammed, this works locally for me too.
Could you wrap the app into a function and submit a pull request? The function would need to be able to take the same arguments as visualise_model
While it's not ideal to be launching a shiny app, its also likely better than any other solution we can come up with.
Just finalizing the abstract and draft paper for submission to R-HTA.
Was the secret to this the use of "preventDefault()" ?
Yes, @Smit-tay!
Let's take the following chunk as an example.
"<br>Foo Location: <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"openInRStudio('",
foo_paths, "'); event.preventDefault();\">",
df_node_info$foo_location, "</a>",
When a user clicks on a link (<a href="#">)
, the default behaviour of the browser is to navigate to the URL specified in the href
attribute. In this case, the href
attribute is set to "#"
, which would normally cause the browser to navigate to the top of the current page.
By calling event.preventDefault()
in the onclick event handler, you are instructing the browser to prevent this default navigation behaviour from occurring. Instead, only the specified JavaScript function (openInRStudio('foo_paths')
in this case) will be executed, and the browser will not perform the usual action associated with clicking a link (i.e., navigating to the URL in the href
A shiny app was built to facilitate interactive code reviewing. This new functionality was integrated into the visualise_project
function, which now gives the options of an HTML
output with limited interactivity or a shiny
app with more flexibility.
Check PR #51, branch WM_shiny_app
, if you want to test or review the app.
Example code:
# Visualize project dependencies in shiny
project_path = "tests/testthat/example_project",
foo_path = "R",
test_path = "tests/testthat",
run_coverage = TRUE,
show_in_shiny = TRUE
# Visualize project dependencies in HTML
project_path = "tests/testthat/example_project",
foo_path = "R",
test_path = "tests/testthat",
run_coverage = TRUE,
show_in_shiny = FALSE
Hi @W-Mohammed @bitowaqr I am trying to add a hyperlink to the hover:
Do you know how to add in the HTML for the file so that the specific R file pops up in Rstudio, the HTML below doesn't work:
This should be replicable by cloning and running the below (changing the project path to match yours).