dark-peak-analytics / assertHE

R package to assist in the verification of health economic decision models.
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Add in ability to recognise functions which load external data #81

Open RobertASmith opened 1 month ago

RobertASmith commented 1 month ago

It would be useful for reviewers to see if any of the functions load external data. This is tricky to recognise because there a lots of different functions that can load data (e.g. read.csv, fread, read_xlsx, loadRDS) However, a list of the most common ones could at least highlight most data-loaders. It's fairly simple to do if we are recognising external dependencies anyway. This could be denoted by highlighting the border of a function in a different colour.

Smit-tay commented 1 month ago

Database and web access should also be considered.

Probably incomplete, but a good starting point:

File read.csv() read.table() read.delim() read.csv2() readRDS() load() readxl::read_excel() data.table::fread() jsonlite::fromJSON() readr::read_csv() readr::read_tsv() readr::read_delim() haven::read_sas() haven::read_spss() haven::read_stata() arrow::read_parquet() readLines() scan() foreign::read.dta() foreign::read.spss() foreign::read.dbf()

Database DBI::dbConnect() dbplyr RODBC::odbcConnect()

Website httr::GET() httr::POST() httr::content() jsonlite::fromJSON() xml2::read_xml()