darkbot-reloaded / DarkBot

Darkbot is a memory-bot for a flash browser-game
67 stars 52 forks source link

Unknown map 21000 #368

Closed theuser011 closed 2 months ago

theuser011 commented 2 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Are you running the latest bot version?

Have you tried to remove all plugins and see if the issue persists?

Can anyone else reproduce the issue?

Describe the bug

The bot can not identify the map it is currently on. Therefor the bot does not work.

Expected Behavior

The bot usually identifies the map it is on.

Steps To Reproduce

Permanently does not recognize the map it is on.

Screenshots, Video, or other media

image_2024-06-21_210340028 bot problem


[2024/06/20 23:13:36.136 | db.Bot.main(Bot.java:70)] Starting DarkBot 1.128.3 [2024/06/20 23:13:37.186 | db.utils.CaptchaAPI.createInstance(CaptchaAPI.java:20)] Library file lib\captchasolver.jar not present [2024/06/20 23:13:37.186 | db.utils.CaptchaAPI.createInstance(CaptchaAPI.java:22)] No captcha resolver is configured, if you're not trying to use one you can safely ignore this message [2024/06/20 23:13:50.111 | eu.darkbot.impl.managers.I18n$PropertyContainer.getLangFile(I18n.java:134)] Couldn't find translation file for de in eu/darkbot/popcorn/def/lang/strings_de.properties [2024/06/20 23:14:09.767 | db.core.manager.SettingsManager.tick(SettingsManager.java:69)] Game is using: DirectX9 | force2d: 1 [2024/06/20 23:14:17.633 | db.core.manager.RepairManager.tick(RepairManager.java:137)] You have been destroyed by: tYhPon_TR [2024/06/20 23:14:31.645 | db.backpage.BackpageManager.run(BackpageManager.java:126)] Checked/repaired drones, all successful: true [2024/06/20 23:14:31.925 | db.core.objects.facades.LogMediator.onLogMessage(LogMediator.java:41)] Willkommen bei INTEX-Systems [2024/06/20 23:14:48.269 | eu.darkbot.impl.managers.I18n$PropertyContainer.getLangFile(I18n.java:134)] Couldn't find translation file for de in eu/darkbot/popcorn/def/lang/strings_de.properties [2024/06/20 23:14:57.519 | db.gui.titlebar.RefreshButton.lambda$new$0(RefreshButton.java:25)] Triggering refresh: user requested [2024/06/20 23:15:11.539 | db.core.manager.SettingsManager.tick(SettingsManager.java:69)] Game is using: DirectX9 | force2d: 1 [2024/06/20 23:15:21.743 | db.core.objects.facades.LogMediator.onLogMessage(LogMediator.java:41)] Willkommen bei INTEX-Systems [2024/06/20 23:15:35.616 | db.gui.components.ExitConfirmation$YesButton.actionPerformed(ExitConfirmation.java:37)] Exit confirmation button pressed, exiting java.lang.Throwable: DarkBot shutdown peacefully! at com.github.manolo8.darkbot.Bot.lambda$main$0(Bot.java:73) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)

Bot Version

1.126 / 1.128.3

Installed Plugins & versions

none but the ones that are already installed with the bot

Browser API & version

KekkaPlayer API

Operating System


Anything else?


dm94 commented 2 months ago

This is fixed in the latest versions

Pablete1234 commented 2 months ago

As dm commented, this was already fixed upstream