darkdragn / party

A quick *.party downloader
84 stars 12 forks source link

Change download folder #1

Closed PWDSerialgamer07 closed 8 months ago

PWDSerialgamer07 commented 1 year ago

Add the ability to change where the tool will download everything.

darkdragn commented 1 year ago

I haven't checked GitHub in a while, we just had a baby with a heart condition in November. Sorry, I'll add this tonight! No problem at all, just a quick flag. Now, downloading multiple artists to the same folder would break the update command, just an FYI, since the artist information is stored in .info for the target download directory.

But, I'll have a new release up tonight!

N4GR commented 1 year ago

Great shit you've got here @darkdragn , thanks for the update... you're doing gods work - that other guy was pretty demanding but you've got this buddy.

darkdragn commented 1 year ago

@NagromW Ask nicely and this is what you get! ;) Check out tag v0.5.0 and let me know what you think!

N4GR commented 1 year ago

@darkdragn I was actually going to mention the 429 errors I was getting 😅 glad they're being worked on - I think coomer rate limits me though when I try and download... Seems to take forever to open the original images from their website despite having a solid gigabit connection.

muggsyd commented 1 year ago

I think you need to add the -d to your README.MD (although I found it thru trial and error)

Is there anyway to add the -d to the "update" functionality?

darkdragn commented 1 year ago

Yeah, no problem. (On the first iteration I added it to extra options and attached it to the user schema so update against the custom directory will pull to that folder since update reads the .info in that directory. If there's an issue with that let me know.)

Sorry about the readme, I have a 5 month old so I get some code done then run off to parenting duties. A lot easier than the first time around, though, since I now have a 9 year old to help entertain the little, lol.

I've also been cutting over to annotations for cli documentation. I need to finish that too, when I started on this project typer was in it's infancy so that feature wasn't available. (I think I just did a dependency update and went from v0.2.0 to v0.9.0)

Let me know if there's any other features you guys want.

Btw, I've noticed that server side limits seem inconsistent. Some days 4 works get thousands of files with no problem, some days only two worker causes the server to freak out the 429 all over the place

muggsyd commented 1 year ago

Sorry I didn't mean to come across as demanding.. Sometimes I am a bit too direct with comments.

In regards to the 429 errors, when I was using youtube-dl a lot, that would be generate a lot of 429 errors as well.. to get a round it you could set an option to set a time period between requests, or randomise that limit as well..

JeanKeitwo commented 11 months ago

what is the command to change the directory? sorry, I couldn't find it in the README.MD

darkdragn commented 8 months ago

@JeanKeitwo Sorry, it's in the cli but I haven't gotten around to updating the README. Here's an example:

darkdragn@dragnDesk [06:50:55 AM] [/media/dumpCrypt/Documents/src/personal/party] [main *]
-> % party kemono patreon Creux --directory temp --limit 5
2023-11-03 06:50:59.099 | DEBUG    | party.cli:pull_user:91 - Excluded Extensions: []
â ‹ User found: creux; parsing posts...Duplicate files found, recommend using post_id
Embedded objects found; saving to temp/.embedded
Downloading from user: creux
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 11/11 [00:11<00:00,  1.02s/it]
2023-11-03 06:51:22.814 | INFO     | party.cli:pull_user:176 - Output status: Counter({<StatusEnum.SUCCESS: 1>: 11})                                                                      
darkdragn@dragnDesk [06:51:22 AM] [/media/dumpCrypt/Documents/src/personal/party] [main *]
-> % ls temp
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Bex_MediumSupport_2_Patreon.jpg  LoisLane_StripGame01_1_Twitter.jpg  LoisLane_StripGame02_2_Twitter.jpg  Splatball_Lucia_2_Patreon.jpg
Bex_YellowJacket_1_Twitter.jpg   LoisLane_StripGame01_2_Patreon.jpg  LoisLane_StripGame02_3_Patreon.jpg