darkdragn / party

A quick *.party downloader
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Not a bug, but an issue with CLI display via SSH on MacOS #41

Open stubblesticker opened 2 months ago

stubblesticker commented 2 months ago


This isn't an issue with the script itself, but rather how it's displayed.

I have party running on a Raspberry Pi which I connect to via SSH. On my Windows machines everything displays fine (via MobaXTerm, PuTTY, etc...) but Mac seems to struggle quite a bit with the text formatting and I'm wondering if anyone knows which settings I can use.

I'm currently using RoyalTSX as a terminal client using the normal Terminal plugin for SSH connections. My terminal type is set to ansi and the character encoding UTF-8

When I download something, the little spinning icon in the lower left shows, but the last frame is a question mark. Then, when it starts downloading content, the progress bar contents are just question marks and the progress bar doesn't update in-place, but rather it goes up the screen, as if whatever is being printed to the terminal is telling MacOS to go back to the start of the line (\r) and UP one line, instead of staying where it is or doing a \n to get a newline.

Does anyone else have this issue with MacOS or does anyone know how I can resolve it?