darkhz / bluetuith

A TUI bluetooth manager for Linux.
MIT License
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Error: Could not setup bluez OBEX agent #3

Closed helcone closed 1 year ago

helcone commented 1 year ago

Hi I just installed the binarie on a Arch linux set up and I received the error "Error: Could not setup bluez OBEX agent " with no other output I am running a really small set up using awesomewm tiling window manager so this might due to dependecies but I am having issues finding whihc one should I install.

darkhz commented 1 year ago

@helcone, first of all, check if your bluetooth service is up and running.

This error usually pops up when another bluetooth manager or OBEX manager is running (like blueman or obexftp), make sure these managers are properly closed before launching bluetuith. For blueman, also make sure that its systray icon isn't visible, if it is, click the systray icon, and then click on "Exit".

If you have followed these steps and this issue still persists, I'll look into it.

helcone commented 1 year ago

O yes you were right sorry for the confusion either way I am going to leave this closed as for documentation for someone who stumble into it, keep the great work is a great app thanks

luistoledo commented 1 year ago

Hi. Closing blueman didn't work (I ensured the process isn't running) :(

bluetuith v0.0.6 (instaled via go install) bluez 5.64-2 dbus-x11 1.14.0-1

bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-08-07 23:06:52 CDT; 58min ago
       Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
   Main PID: 334393 (bluetoothd)
     Status: "Running"



darkhz commented 1 year ago

@luistoledo is blueman-applet running? Can you try uninstalling blueman too and see if it works? The blueman-mechanism DBus session may be running, so blueman's OBEX agent may still be registered.

I cannot replicate the issue here. I started blueman, then closed it via the exit option in the blueman systray icon, and this error does not occur.

luistoledo commented 1 year ago

thanks for the fast response. The applet wasn't running on last test.

I found the culprit, it was blueberry! after killing the daemon, then it worked perfectly. (almost forgot i have it installed, but your last response guides me on what to search.) thanks again

mackeryd commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have followed the steps as suggested previously in this thread. I am on a fresh install of arch, i can connect to devices but not send and receive files. I get the errors:

Warning: Could not setup bluez OBEX agent Warning: Send/receive files is disabled

I do not have blueman, or obex FTP installed... any help?

darkhz commented 1 year ago

Do you have the OBEX daemon(obexd) installed?

mackeryd commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response! It is installed but was not running. Once obexd was started the errors went away, but still no option to send files in the menus

mackeryd commented 1 year ago

The send files button is there now, i am able to recieve files, but sending i get "unable to find service record"

mackeryd commented 1 year ago

A google search tells me that issue is with the receiving device...it is working. Thank you!