darklordabc / Legends-of-Dota-Redux

A Custom Game for Dota 2
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Some info on bugs, and insights I would like to share... #1569

Open LuSvenOden opened 5 years ago

LuSvenOden commented 5 years ago

Here are some of my insights, hope they are helpful:

Some perks, spells and items are not working or are buggy for a few months:

.................................................... ,,,,HEROES:

Night Stalker Scepter Upgrade does not give unobstructed night vision on night stalker. The Night Stalker perk icon is missing.

Monkey King is missing his talent and does not get bonus gold for unique skills.

Alchemist perk disappears once he dies. I don't think that's intentional?

Puck can get permanent bonus abilities from towers and neutrals, making him a bit OP with tower skills, neutral skills and creep skills. The list of skills Puck can get permanently: Side gunner, Laser Tower, Multishot tower, Split tower. If Puck evades any of those listed above, for example with evasion or blink, he gains those permanently.

Techies does not seem to get cooldown reduction from skills that are supposedly meant to reduce his cooldowns, such as liquid fire and acid spray.

Tiny perk doesn't seem to work - destroying trees adds up to numbers on his perk talent, BUT the duration of all spells used on him remain the same. Also the trees destroyed with his skills stay on his counter even when the time passes.

Mars has no talents...

.............................................. ,,,,SPELLS:

Skills that make you melee, including Roshanify and the one that turns you into wolf at nights get bugged if you have a talent on your talent tree that gives you bonus range - it reduces your atack range by the value you get from the talent ON TOP of the already reduced attack range from the skill itself. It happened to me a few times as ranged characters that I took that werewolf skill only to be unable to attack at nights... thanks to getting the bonus atack range talents. Also having skills such at take aim or any other that gives bonus range - ALSO contributes into rendering you literally unable to attack once you are roshanified or in the wolf form. At least a note about those skills NOT to be picked with ANY skills that add range OR picking ranged hero that may get bonus attack range would be nice. Also, if someone plays with random flesh heap, getting attack range flesh heap contributes into this issue as well. Tiny ultimate (old one) with scepter, giving you bonus range, or Ench ult with scepter giving range, and dragon form, adds up to this issue.

Troll warlord toggle into melee does not work properly - it does not provide bash or the net at all. Also, sometimes it gives description of old one with bash, sometimes of new one with net, but then when game starts it changes description, but neither of those two work.

Chemical Rage Scepter does not grant bonus damage and spell amp. I do believe some of the new scepter upgrades are not working properly, I would suggest reviewing which ones and updating descriptions.

Essence shift Redux and Essence Shift strength and agility steal permanently str/agi/int that was stolen temporarily once the enemy dies under effect. So for example, if you stole 10 agility from Alchemist in a fight and you killed him, you gained permanently 10 agility, and alchemist lost 10 agility permanently! The permanent steal does not show the negative values stolen as the regular essence shift does. Also, unlike regular essence shift, it can actually make enemy go on negative values of stats.

Flesh heap life steal does not work anymore. I ended up even with 100 flesh heaps once against bots to test it, and I literally didn't life steal a single HP.

Flesh heap spell life steal and Octarine Vampirism does not seem to work either. I'm not exactly sure why.

............................................... ,,,,,ITEMS: Scepter 2nd upgrade does not seem to work when being bought at shop. Also, if you bought scepter and you already consumed one, some heroes can't sell them or get rid of them, so they block slots in your inventory. Would be nice to see a solution to it.

Vladimir Offering does not provide any life steal.

Monkey King Bar provides only +10 Atack speed, no damage.

............................................ ,,,,,,,,SUGGESTIONS:

Changing some perks or fixing them. My proposals: -Alchemist: A free Transmute Scepter skill or Alchemist starts with bonus gold level 1 skill regardless if he has it, or Grevil's Greed level 1 (just like older version of Alchemist in LoD) -Tiny: Scepter Upgrade gives Tiny permanent +50 Agility and +50% Cleave. -Night Stalker gets unobstructed vision as a bonus skill. -I find Enchantress perk kinda useless. I suggest moving Treant Protector's perk onto Enchantress, and giving Treant Protector bonus healing, mana regen and move speed lvl*1% or fixed value of 20% when close to trees. -Move Broodmother's perk into Lycan, it fits better on him. Give Broodmother Vampiric Aura or Evasion Passive from neutrals. -Lifestealer I would propose changing his talent into "Items and skills that provide lifesteal add + 10 pure damage on his melee attacks." -Warlock: His necronomicon level 1 is not really useful, it can't be upgraded or sold for gold. I would propose instead "Burning agony: All damaging spells add 10 pure damage per instance. Does not get amped from int or spell amp." -Monkey King: his passive, even if it worked, is one of the most OP starting skills, even with just level 1, and it is very good even on late game. I would suggest removing Jingu Mastery at all from Monkey King, instead of fixing it. I would instead suggest, since it's "monkey king", "True Strike", "If Monkey King has tree jump, Monkey King gets a free Primal Sprint", "+50% true strike" or old void's Backtrack on level 1. -Slark: He is very weak stat-wise, and his skill isn't very helpful. I would suggest "Shadow Dance Redux" to be added to him as a perk, on level 1 once he reaches level 6. -Puck: His perk really is broken. I would suggest either fixing it so it won't permanently steal the passives from towers, creeps and neutrals, or giving him something different. I would suggest: "Dragon Mage: provides bonuses for Puck and other dragons +200 attack range, +4 spell amp and +200 cast range if Dragon Knight, Winter Wyvern, Viper or Jakiro are in the team". It could also be 1/4 per each dragon. -Dragon Knight: If Puck talent is changed into above, Dragon Knight should also have his perk changed into: "Dragon Skin: +8 armor, +8 health regen, +10 Strengh for all dragons" - also, just like for Puck, could be 1/4 per each dragon. -Techies: I would suggest to give Techies the "Boom!" ability from the "Exploding" enemies mutator, or Necronomicon Warrior passive ult. Eventually "If Techies is under 100 hp, he gets silenced for 10 seconds and puts unstable concotion on himself (level 1 unless has it picked and upgraded)" Cooldown same as on concotion level 1 unless upgraded. -Axe: I would suggest changing his talent into "kills provided with "a cut above" and "culling blade" cast "Shallow Grave" on Axe regardless if he has it or not. -Mars: starts with a free Flesh heap: armor level 1.

Update items so that they will provide all the correct bonuses. Also, it would be nice to have a consumable Kaya item related, for example "Kaya's Soulstone" added, as a separate item that would provide spell amp and mana cost reduction for 2500 gold or so. Only one per hero allowed. Also, it would be nice to fix the scepter consumable and allow it to be given to other players. Right now the only way to give it to someone is if Roshan drops it and you pick it up with courier then give it to someone else with the courier.

Spells: Fix all the spells as said above that they don't work properly.

"Random Flesh heap" mutator needs an update. Not all flesh heaps are available, especially not new ones such as Tenacity or Spell Duration.

Updating some points mode and troll combos balance:

Swashbuckle with moon glaives or split shot is very OP as it makes bounces and splits per each unit in quick succession. Same with cleave. I propose making swashbuckle at least cost far more points in points mode, or putting Swashbuckle and moon glaives/split shot/splinter OP combo. Antrophy Aura, especially now with the new talent, is one of the most OP retroactive passives. I would suggest making it a 40-pointer or more, it scales even better than flesh heap. Bristle back and Bulwark should be considered a troll combo. Essence shift str and int should cost same points as a regular essence shift if the permanent steal gets fixed. New spells suggestions: -Flesh heap: True Strike (0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8)% higher chance for hitting uphill and enemies with evasion. -Flesh heap: Pure Damage (0.5/1/1.5/2) added pure damage to melee attacks. -Divided we stand: Redux. Passively spawns uncontrollable illusion of your hero. It acts as Wraight King's skeletons. Can't use items, but can use passives as if it was controlled by player. Every time an illusion dies, it respawns at player's location after cooldown of 90/75/60 seconds. Each illusion takes 150% damage and deals 50% damage, gives a bounty of 300/200/100 gold. Spawns 1/2/3 illusions. Optional Scepter upgrade: Adds one illusion OR All illusions deal 75% damage. -Wukong Warrior: Passive. Works like scepter upgrade on Monkey King ultimate, but at longer interval cooldown: 7/6/5 seconds I would suggest. 60 Points in points mode, can't be picked with Monkey King ultimate as it's a troll combo. -Minor Bash/Greater Bash redux. Does not get any talents or bonuses unlike regular greater bash. 7% on ranged hero chance. 3 second cooldown. -Bash of the deep (old version). Less broken than the new one, less points needed. -Retreat order - works like "fear" on allies and self. Boosts allies for +20% move speed and +50% evasion for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 80 seconds. Cast range: global. Does not pierce spell immunity. Works only on allied heroes.

New "Heroes" suggestions:

Adding neutrals as semi-heroes, at least optional, could be fun. Some minor graphical modifications for heroes and their perks could be changed with some "aura" effect of red, green or blue depending on which main attribute was selected on the hero (if switching attribute is enabled)

arkydon commented 5 years ago

Nightstalker and KOTL perks don't work because their old aghs abilities were removed and changed after 7.20.