darklow / django-suit-redactor

Imperavi Readactor (WYSIWYG editor) integration app for Django admin
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Adding new inline rendering failed #13

Open Souleymane-T opened 5 years ago

Souleymane-T commented 5 years ago


Django==1.8.19 django-suit==0.2.12 django-suit-redactor==0.0.4

When the rendering is done, this function is done:

    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
        output = super(RedactorWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs)
        output += mark_safe(
            '<script type="text/javascript">$("#id_%s").redactor(%s);</script>'
            % (name, json.dumps(self.editor_options)))
        return output

When adding a new admin inline row, the name contains__prefix__ and the rendering does not work correctly because of that.