darklow / django-suit

Modern theme for Django admin interface
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Suggest popular packages you would like to be supported by Django Suit #3

Open darklow opened 11 years ago

darklow commented 11 years ago

Please suggest packages you would like to be supported. Also vote for packages that are already suggested, so we know which are most wanted. Thank you.

I deleted comments with apps that have been already implemented. Here is the list of currently supported apps:

Documentation and examples: http://django-suit.readthedocs.org/en/develop/#supported-apps

Kilian commented 11 years ago

As mentioned in #2 I would like Django-cms to be supported. A close second would be Zinnia.

jazwiecki commented 11 years ago

Yeah, Zinnia support would be fantastic

julianwachholz commented 11 years ago

django-mptt-tree-editor would be included with Django CMS support, right?

Also django-polymorphic.

grillermo commented 11 years ago

I would love integration with django-admin tools, mainly for the feature that allows you to change the apps name in the admin. 

scdoshi commented 11 years ago

Out of the box support for geodjango fields in the admin would be pretty awesome.

sveetch commented 11 years ago

Django+cms and Zinnia support will be wonderful

bobrynya commented 11 years ago


zyukin commented 11 years ago

django-redactor, django-reversion

avelino commented 11 years ago

Opps (is CMS) - http://www.oppsproject.org/

nzhenev commented 11 years ago

feincms :) http://www.feincms.org/

maartendraijer commented 11 years ago

As you've added support for django-cms and django-filer already, it would be cool to see django-form-designer (https://github.com/philomat/django-form-designer) getting supported too, as this is a much used plugin with django-cms. :smiley:

phihos commented 11 years ago

What about the former contrib app django-databrowse? It was removed from 1.5 but still seems to be under active development (more or less at least): https://github.com/Alir3z4/django-databrowse

For example a link to a model instance could lead to a corresponding databrowse url by default. There the user just can look a the data. When he wishes to edit it, he clicks the edit button on that page. I think accomplishing that is not that intrusive. I'll look into it myself, when I have the time ;-)

gamesbook commented 11 years ago

Will django-floppyforms (https://github.com/brutasse/django-floppyforms) work easily inside DS?

poptosic commented 11 years ago

Mezzanine http://mezzanine.jupo.org/

darklow commented 11 years ago

@poptosic: Mezzanine http://mezzanine.jupo.org/

Unfortunately Grappelli is one of required dependencies for Mezzanine, which makes it kind awkward and hard to support them and it would "theme for theme" situation. I am not familiar with mezzanine so i am not sure how deep grappelli is integrated into mezzanine, but i think the only way we could add support for mezzanine is if it runs in standalone mode without grappelli too.

eisensheng commented 11 years ago

Add support for django-guardian please. Thanks

celmaun commented 11 years ago

+1 for django-polymorphic

omar-ayoubi commented 11 years ago

Supporting https://github.com/deschler/django-modeltranslation for the tabbed navigation would be really great... thats actually the only thing why I'm not using django-suit right now :(

gamesbook commented 11 years ago


timsloan commented 11 years ago

+1 FeinCMS

pomahtuk commented 11 years ago

Modeltranslation in admin interface will be really great.

goinnn commented 11 years ago

https://github.com/Yaco-Sistemas/django-inplaceedit (to edit inline, e.g.: in the changelists) https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-transmeta (to model translation)

guetux commented 11 years ago

+1 for FeinCMS

jgadelange commented 11 years ago

I would really like support for a model translation package such as django-hvad (https://github.com/kristianoellegaard/django-hvad).

ebertti commented 11 years ago

+1 Feincms

lalves commented 11 years ago

Opps CMS: https://github.com/opps/opps

raelmax commented 11 years ago

Opps CMS: https://github.com/opps/opps +1

hersonls commented 11 years ago

Opps CMS: https://github.com/opps/opps +1

ellisonleao commented 11 years ago

Opps CMS: https://github.com/opps/opps :+1:

ghost commented 11 years ago

will be great if you guys could take a look at django-admin-tools. however seems I have to move forward first, since I need to use both django-suit and django-admin-tools within one project soon.

darklow commented 11 years ago

will be great if you guys could take a look at django-admin-tools. however seems I have to move forward first, since I need to use both django-suit and django-admin-tools within one project soon.

@danielchang1991 i don't think it is possible to use django-suit and django-admin-tools together, because they both are doing same thing - extending lot of django admin original templates and there will be a lot of conflicts. I believe they will work, but templates/css/layout will be a mess. In comparison it would be same like using wordpress with two themes simultaneously which is impossible.

ghost commented 11 years ago

@darklow Sorry I didn't make it clear. For my demand, it is about to integrate the fancy UI from django-suit and the all-in-one dashboard from django-admin-tool. Ya you're right, it will be a mess to join the templates without merge. :)

darklow commented 11 years ago

@danielchang1991 Dashboard customisation is one of top priority features, that i will start as soon as summer ends. But right now you can take a look on this issue #49

nchampsavoir commented 11 years ago

django mptt tree editor: https://bitbucket.org/san/django-mptt-tree-editor/. It works with no changes but a little bit of styling would allow it to look much better inside Suit.

An alternative would be to add native support drag & drop reordering of MPTT models to Suit.

gamesbook commented 11 years ago

django-selectable - https://bitbucket.org/mlavin/django-selectable

darklow commented 11 years ago

@gamesbook i suggest you try out https://github.com/applegrew/django-select2 It works with Django Suit without any customizations. I will add some examples to demo later. image

gamesbook commented 11 years ago

I have looked at django-select2. Unfortunately, the poor documentation makes it close to unusable. django-selectable has a section in its docs on using it with grappelli (https://django-selectable.readthedocs.org/en/version-0.7.0/admin.html#using-grappelli) that can maybe help with integration with suit?

rxdazn commented 11 years ago

feincms :+1:

czert commented 11 years ago

+1 FeinCMS

x0nix commented 11 years ago

+1 FeinCMS

wo0dyn commented 11 years ago

+1 django-modeltranslation

kburandt commented 11 years ago

Some sort of dashboard please

sthzg commented 10 years ago

+1 django-modeltranslation

benjaminrigaud commented 10 years ago

+1 django-modeltranslation

luzfcb commented 10 years ago

Opps CMS: https://github.com/opps/opps :+1:

richardjprice commented 10 years ago

+1 for FeinCMS

arthanson commented 10 years ago

+1 FeinCMS +1 Zinnia

Hedde commented 10 years ago

+1 FeinCMS

Hedde commented 10 years ago

FeinCMS seems to work pretty decent already, only rich text editors are messed up

Just purchased a license :+1: keep up the great work.

antitoxic commented 10 years ago

+1 django-modeltranslation