darklow / django-suit

Modern theme for Django admin interface
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Problem with MENU SETTINGS not being recognised #661

Open jayWarr opened 6 years ago

jayWarr commented 6 years ago

If this is a bug please specify versions you're using first.

Django version: 0.2.25 Django Suit version: 1.11.7 Python version: 3.6.3

Issue: My MENU changes are not recognised

here's the extract from my SETTINGS.PY


and here is what I see after logging in as superuser admin:

login capture

Could someone please explain what I am doing wrong?

Thank you.

cometsong commented 6 years ago

You said:

changes are not recognised

What changes are you referring to?

If you want the admin login to start on the "Hummingbird" section, you can put that one at the top of the list, as well as trying: menu_show_home = False Not sure what Suit version this setting came into the mix (as I started with Suit v2), there may be something similar in the v0.2.25 version you're using.