darklow / django-suit

Modern theme for Django admin interface
2.31k stars 701 forks source link

Version 2 #750

Open ojengwa opened 4 years ago

ojengwa commented 4 years ago

When will version 2 be released to the Pipy projects store?

derek-richard commented 4 years ago

See also: https://github.com/darklow/django-suit/issues/475#issuecomment-408669565

hickeroar commented 4 years ago

While I have no hard evidence to back this up, Suit seems like a dead project at this point. If you look at the commit history, it's been since mid-2017 since any non-fix changes have been committed to any branch.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

While Suit is, imo, an amazing admin interface and the most well designed one available, I've had to move my projects over to Grappelli to maintain compatiblity with the newest version of Django.

gamesbook commented 4 years ago

A project is only "dead" if the developer/maintainer is no longer active and there is no one to replace him/her. That is not the case here. I agree no new features are being added.

hickeroar commented 4 years ago

What is the status of this project then? Genuinely curious, since it seems like maintenance has mostly stopped, other than occasional, inconsequential changes. Will we see this project resume development eventually?

pierre-H commented 4 years ago

Any news ?

pierre-H commented 3 years ago


A project is only "dead" if the developer/maintainer is no longer active and there is no one to replace him/her. That is not the case here. I agree no new features are being added.

Is this project dead ?

pulse-mind commented 2 years ago


Have a look to my fork v2

I'm also working on Bootstrap 5.1

pulse-mind commented 2 years ago

Hi, If you want a django3.2 version it is available on my fork branch v2 And I just finished the boostrap5.1 version, it is on a branch boostrap51 but I will do a pull request soon on v2