darklow / django-suit

Modern theme for Django admin interface
2.31k stars 701 forks source link

Django 4.2 compatibility issue #797

Open rdawad opened 1 week ago

rdawad commented 1 week ago

Seems not compatible with django 4.2

File "C:\Users\Projects\kc\minc\admin.py", line 18, in from suit.widgets import AutosizedTextarea File "C:\Users\Projects\virtu\env\lib\site-packages\suit\widgets.py", line 5, in from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

olku commented 1 week ago

Yeah it's dead.

gamesbook commented 1 week ago

Is anyone using the fork at https://github.com/pulse-mind/django-suit which is meant to be 4.2 compatible?