darkmoonight / Rain

🌦️ Weather application
MIT License
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Fix: TabBar Changes delayed (1s) when scrolling #166

Closed trueberryless closed 7 months ago

trueberryless commented 7 months ago

Hello @Leonavichus ,

I love this app and would like to help improving it.

One thing that triggers me every time: When I scroll between the three tabs (WeatherPage, ListWeatherCard, SettingsPage) it takes ages for the TabBar to show the selected tabIndex.

I found this StackOverflow question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57948157/tabcontroller-does-not-change-when-scrolling-the-screenlike-its-waiting-1-sec. I think this is the way we can solve this issue...

I have implemented the basics but not tested it, because I don't have SDKs and everything set up. There are probably many other things which need to be changed in order for this to work...

Nevertheless, it would be a great honor for me if you test these changes and we maybe see them in the next release...

Looking forward for your reply 😊

Leonavichus commented 7 months ago

Thank you so much for contributing to the development of the app!

trueberryless commented 7 months ago

Thank you so much for integrating this feature into the one and only Rain app (by far the best weather app)! ❤️