darkmoonight / ToDark

📝 Task management application
MIT License
186 stars 23 forks source link

DAVx⁵/Sync support? #19

Open n3rdcub opened 11 months ago

n3rdcub commented 11 months ago

Fantastic app, very simple and clean.

Is there any possible way to get something like Issue #7 but instead of sync to calendar just have the ability to sync to a provider like google drive/onedrive/mega, s3, local(USB), or self-hosted via maybe webdav/DAVx⁵ or similar? Reason is while it's great to backup everything with what you already have implemented, to use that as a sync method is rather click intensive and cumbersome and to my knowledge, has limited options where to even restore from.

Btw what are your options for pro if any exists; if none then what are your donation options? PayPal? Kofee? Patreon?

Leonavichus commented 11 months ago

Hello, thank you for your feedback. I will try to implement what you are talking about, but later. Since there is very little time right now.

Btw what are your options for pro if any exists; if none then what are your donation options? PayPal? Kofee? Patreon?

Unfortunately, we don't have that yet.

n3rdcub commented 9 months ago

Don't have a donate option?! You mean I have to just buy licenses for each and every one of my 1 friend to sleep easy knowing you're properly fed and content with life?

I mean, Alright...bet. Fush (my zoomer friend taught me that's a bastardization of 'for sure')

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Yet I haven't found a way for it to power my RTX 7980TI Edge MAX Ultra GPU