I was looking at some .nut file and found NutCracker, as its advised on the readme, it doesn't work, luckily i have some experience on lua so i quickly fixed it to dump the files.
First thing to add NutScript.cpp > LoadFromStream
if (reader.ReadInt32() != sizeof(uint16_t))...
using wide string you will use 2 bytes for each char
BinaryParser.h > ReadSQString
static char* buff;
static std::vector<char> buf;
int len = ReadInt32()*2;
if (len < 0)
len = 0;
if (buf.size() < (size_t)len)
buff = (char*)malloc(len/2);
Read((void*)buf.data(), len, true);
WideCharToMultiByte(/*CP_ACP*/0, 0, (wchar_t*)buf.data(), len, buff, len/2, 0, 0);
str.assign(buff, len/2);
delete buff;
dirty code, note len is multiplied by 2 and then WideCharToMultiByte is used to convert text to ansi representation. You should include windows.h on BinaryParser.h in order to use encoding api.
I was looking at some .nut file and found NutCracker, as its advised on the readme, it doesn't work, luckily i have some experience on lua so i quickly fixed it to dump the files.
First thing to add NutScript.cpp > LoadFromStream
if (reader.ReadInt32() != sizeof(uint16_t))...
using wide string you will use 2 bytes for each charBinaryParser.h > ReadSQString
dirty code, note len is multiplied by 2 and then WideCharToMultiByte is used to convert text to ansi representation. You should include windows.h on BinaryParser.h in order to use encoding api.