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Fix dashboard plots + Display rough model accuracy #11

Open anhqngo opened 4 years ago

anhqngo commented 4 years ago

Fix dashboard plots

Right now, the dashboard does not display plots from the generated .csv files. To fix this issue, I rewrote old plotting functions from javascript d3 to python plotly, which easier to understand/maintain.

Right now, the function dashboard_plot.py can plot:

In the future when we have more data, I will add more types of plots to the function.

Display model accuracy

To display the model accuracy, I first get a list of built models in the ModelContainers. Then, I average the scores (accuracies, classification balanced rates, and Matthews coefficients) across the models and display them on the dashboard (top left corner, below the number of experiments).

Note: There is the class StatsModel; however, I don't think this model contains the information that we needed. Once Rui is done with his rec-system, we might have to discuss a systematic way to store the model data, and how to get them.


Finally, here is the screenshot for the dashboard right now in my branch. Please comment below in this PR thread over the break; I will be sure to get back to you!

Dashboard Screenshot