darkroomengineering / lenis

How smooth scroll should be
MIT License
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lag when using position sticky (pin property in GSAP) #233

Closed issam-seghir closed 9 months ago

issam-seghir commented 9 months ago

// initialize lenis smooth scrolling
const lenis = new Lenis({
    lerp: 0.07,
    wheelMultiplier: 0.7,
    touchMultiplier: 0.7, 
    orientation: "vertical", 
    gestureOrientation: "vertical",
    normalizeWheel: false,
    infinite: false, 

function raf(time) {

// ------------ Using Gsap ScrollTrigger with lenis  ---------------------
function connectToScrollTrigger() {
    lenis.on("scroll", ScrollTrigger.update);
    gsap.ticker.add(function (time) {
        lenis.raf(time * 1000);

// ai section animation
gsap.from(".ai__desc", {
    // duration: 3 ,
    opacity: 0, // Rotate back to 0 degrees to reveal the screen
    scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: ".ai",
        pin: true, 
        start: "top top", 
        end: "+=1500", 
        scrub: 1, 
        markers: true,

pin: true


pin: false

Loading ... (https://i.imgur.com/NFfJXUP.gif) gif

clementroche commented 9 months ago

please provide a codesandbox

issam-seghir commented 9 months ago

i'm not familiar with codesandbox , and I am facing an error that says "Cannot import an empty path", even though everything is set up correctly. Here's the code: https://codesandbox.io/s/busy-ives-shcxfm?file=/index.html:0-899

issam-seghir commented 9 months ago

i discovered that the problem is with GSAP and not with lenis