darkroomengineering / lenis

How smooth scroll should be
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[QUESTION] GSAP ScrollTrigger integration still required? #243

Closed LucaArgentieri closed 9 months ago

LucaArgentieri commented 9 months ago

GSAP ScrollTrigger integration still required? I tried using the ScrollTrigger without this integration and it works very well. is it still necessary to use it?

clementroche commented 9 months ago

Can you provide a codepen ?

LucaArgentieri commented 9 months ago

Can you provide a codepen ?

Sure, sorry I didn’t send it to you earlier https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-ayiujq?file=app.vue

LucaArgentieri commented 9 months ago

Maybe I’m making a mistake Integration only serves when using lenis data with the ScrollTrigger Can you confirm that?

clementroche commented 9 months ago

Your example is pretty simple and doesn't need any "perfect sync" to work visually. GSAP ScrollTrigger integration is not mandatory but highly recommended if you want a perfect sync and better performance