darkroomengineering / lenis

How smooth scroll should be
MIT License
7.33k stars 316 forks source link

This is not an issue #303

Closed thesoldiersway closed 3 months ago

thesoldiersway commented 4 months ago

I had to come back. I wrote a few days ago about GSAP scrollsmoother and came up with criticism to Lenis. I was stuck with GSAP and Lenis felt confusing until the minute it all worked out. Lenis works great. I got it working more than well, also together with GSAP. Now I am saved and have no reason to use GSAP scrollsmotther anymore. It will be Lenis. However, as the person making the complaint, I have a new complaint. I have a hard time accepting that Lenis is free and calls for a donate button. You work hard and deserve reward. I am convinced that many users want to donate to Lenis that can grow. 1000 thanks!

LeoSeyers commented 4 months ago

Would love to donate as well as Lenis is now part of my boilerplate 👍

clementroche commented 4 months ago


clementroche commented 3 months ago

Good news ! Darkroom can now be supported through Github Sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/darkroomengineering

cc @thesoldiersway @LeoSeyers