darkroomengineering / lenis

How smooth scroll should be
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scrollTo with `lock: true` does not stop ongoing touch move scrolling on mobile #315

Open imbachb opened 3 months ago

imbachb commented 3 months ago

scrollTo does not seem to prevent ongoing touch move scrolling on mobile, even when specifying lock: true.

The "bug" is reproducible with following steps:

The issue is easily reproducible with following codepen. The codepen uses scrollTo every few seconds to scroll to different sections. https://codepen.io/imbachb/pen/bGJeawM

If you try it via desktop browser inspection tools in mobile mode it does not jitter but it produces many errors in the console. [Intervention] Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove event with cancelable=false, for example because scrolling is in progress and cannot be interrupted On mobile (I could only try iOS so far) the jitter is present.

Is this a bug? Or is there a workaround for this issue? I'm trying to replicate this effect from https://www.david-hckh.com/ which seems to handle this problem perfectly.

imbachb commented 3 months ago

Setting syncTouch to true seems to solve this issue. Is this the suggested workaround? Many thanks for fixing 'touch tap to stop' when lenis is locked in https://github.com/darkroomengineering/lenis/commit/35515a7e4318f101be31ad5a13d2eff04a12861d That would've been my next issue 😁

clementroche commented 3 months ago

Yes @imbachb I think using syncTouch is the way to go for the moment. But I'm also wondering if scrollTo should be smooth in this case. So you could use the native scroll-behavior: smooth when lenis is not smoothed, that'd require an internal change.

anhtuanlee commented 2 months ago

same problem, i was add syncTouch but not work